Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits and Services

Membership Website Directory
When the public, a potential customer or a title company is looking for members to do business or communicate with, this resource tool provides immediate access to NELTA member's current contact information. Searches are provided alphabetically by state for easy ability to find our members.

NELTA Website
For access to the most current association news, calendar of events, education and legislative updates, the NELTA website provides an exchange of information for both members, non-members, customers and the general public. Our website is our industry connection and place to go to create title industry relationships and increase the professionalism of the industry.

NELTA emails are the heartbeat of staying in touch with our members on association events, education, industry alerts, legislation, both state and national industry news. Messages from the NELTA Executive Director provide members with instant email communications about very special NELTA news.

Education Programs
NELTA continues its commitment to be a premier educational organization. Led by a regionally diverse Board of Directors, NELTA presents educational programs via Webinars and throughout the New England States. Additionally, NELTA has partnered with ALTA to offer education to our members at a 25% discount.

Annual Convention
NELTA members can earn legal credit, network with their peers and gain industry knowledge at our annual convention. A key Board Member from the American Land Title Association in Washington, D.C. attends each convention to give members the national viewpoint on the title industry, to advise on current trends and changes, and to report on activities of ALTA on behalf of the industry.

Connecting our Members/Networking
The key to any association is the people who comprise it. NELTA members develop lasting friendship and business relationships via committee services, receptions at NELTA events, meetings and conventions. An introduction to a fellow title industry professional is the ultimate accomplishment towards the goal to unite an industry to work together for the good of the whole. NELTA has been doing this since 1970 when it was created to "advance the art and education in evidencing title to real estate; to exchange and disseminate ideas, techniques and information concerning land title evidence and assurance among members and with the general public; to adopt and maintain sound professional ethical standards among members; to encourage protective, remedial and other measures to further the common interests of members and the general public; and to provide assistance and to cooperate with affiliated associations.”

Over 50 years later, New England Land Title Association is pleased to say that it is still proud to uphold and stand behind the original purposes created by its founding fathers!