Your Premier Resource For Education, Information and Networking
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Attorneys * Title Agents * Paralegals * Abstractors * Lenders
Surveyors * Underwriters * Service Providers
History and Purpose
New England Land Title Association is the title industry’s premier resource for Education, Information and Networking. Organized in 1970, NELTA is a non-profit trade association for professionals engaged in all aspects of the title industry in each of the New England states.
Educating the Conveyancing Industry
NELTA continues its commitment to be a premier educational organization. Led by a regionally diverse Board of Directors, NELTA presents educational programs and webinars throughout the New England states. Additionally, NELTA has partnered with ALTA to offer education to our members at a 25% discount.
NELTA NEWS Publication
The preeminent semi-annual publication of the land title industry, NELTA NEWS contains information and articles that keep you up-to-date on land title issues, as well as general business articles on subjects that affect everyone in real estate.
New England Affiliate of ALTA
NELTA is the New England affiliate of the American Land Title Association which represents the industry on a national basis. A key board member from ALTA attends our annual convention to give members the national viewpoint on the title industry, to advise on current trends and changes, and to report on ALTA activities on behalf of the industry.
Annual NELTA Convention
NELTA members and their families get together for three days of fun and professional development in June each year at a New England resort hotel. The Association continues to provide quality programs, with speakers from all over the country, designed to ensure that our members are aware of emerging trends in the real property industry. This is also an excellent opportunity to network with other real estate professionals as well as key employees from all the major title underwriting companies.